Phoebus Historic District: Self-Guided Tour

We’re proud to announce to the world that the Phoebus Historic District Self-Guided Tour app is here! This free-to-use, no-download app can be accessed anywhere in Downtown Phoebus with your mobile device or even in the comfort of your home, school, or office. Anywhere that has internet access, you can easily explore our historic coastal community. How old are the houses on your street? What architectural styles were used in the early days of the town? What businesses operated on Mellen Street 100 years ago? To discover the answers, look for the new street signs and scan the QR code to begin your journey. Or, if you’re not walking or biking through Phoebus, simply click here.
The self-guided tour is a 2023 project from the Phoebus Partnership‘s Design Committee, an all-volunteer working committee chaired by Joe Griffith, whose goals include protecting historical assets, designing media and marketing campaigns, and creating inclusive, attractive public spaces. Upwards of 185 volunteer hours went into creating this project, which was built from architectural data in Phoebus’ National Register of Historic Places documentation as well as historic photos and community stories sourced from people in the community. A very big thank you goes out to our neighbor and friend Tim Receveur, whose collection of the town’s old photos helped tremendously in having visual content for the contributing historic structures.